IPT Institute Community-Based Training and Certification has been developed specifically for community agencies and practitioners, and has been empirically demonstrated to lead to high quality practice of IPT. Completion of Community-Based Training in IPT results in “IPT Certified Therapist” designation.
Community-Based Training in IPT
Prior to Training:
- Completion of an IPT Institute accredited Level A IPT Course within the last three years.
- Licensure or student status sufficient to conduct clinical work with patients.
Training Requirements:
- Completion of at least 10 consultation hours. These hours may include either individual consultation or small-group consultation as is typical for the Community-Based Training programs. Consultation must be provided by an IPT Institute accredited consultant.
- Completion of two IPT Portfolios (one portfolio for each of two different clients). Each portfolio must obtain a passing grade (average of 3.0 on a 1-5 scale) as rated by an IPT Institute accredited Consultant on the IPT Quality and Adherence Scale. Each portfolio must include:
- Case Report of the IPT treatment provided
- Interpersonal Inventory (Circle)
- Interpersonal Formulation
- Interpersonal Summary
- Self-Evaluation Rating (based on the IPT Quality and Adherence Measure)
- Patient Outcome Measures (PHQ-9 and GAD-7) administered at intake and every 4 sessions to the time of portfolio submission)
- An audio or videotape of one session of the IPT treatment. For portfolio #1, this should be an initial/assessment session; for portfolio #2 this should be from the middle or concluding phase of treatment.
- All materials must be submitted in English, although the audio or videotape may be in the patient’s language if permission is obtained from the IPT consultant.
- Completion of an IPT Booster or Advanced Course of at least 8 hours.