If you’ve submitted portfolios before, go ahead and submit your portfolio below. If this is your first submission, please read the instructions below prior to submitting your portfolio.
Please read the following submission information carefully
For certification, you must complete TWO portfolios (one portfolio for each of two different clients). Each portfolio must obtain a passing grade (average of 3.0 on a 1-5 scale) as rated by an IPT Institute accredited Consultant on the IPT Quality and Adherence Scale.
Each portfolio must include the following:
- A written case report of the IPT treatment provided (see below under Additional Materials)
- Interpersonal Inventory (circle)
- Interpersonal Formulation
- Interpersonal Summary
- Therapist self-evaluation rating (based on the IPT Quality and Adherence rating scale; this form is at the end of the submission process)
- Patient outcome measures (GAD-7 & PHQ-9) administered at intake and every 4 sessions to the time of portfolio submission (click here for GAD-7 and PHQ-9 forms)
An audiotape or videotape of one session of IPT treatment
-For Portfolio #1, this should be an audiotape from an initial or assessment session. We recommend choosing the session in which you do either the Interpersonal Inventory or the Interpersonal Summary. This recording should be submitted no later than the 6th consultation call.
-For Portfolio #2, this should be an audio or videotape from a middle session, which demonstrates IPT techniques. We recommend a session in which you use one of the IPT tools or are working on communication analysis. This recording should be submitted no later than the 8th consultation call. - All materials must be submitted in English, although the audio or videotape may be in the client's language if permission is obtained from the IPT consultant.