please note that all class sessions are on-line using zoom
Course Description
Participants will work to improve their skills as IPT supervisors. Our goal is to create and sustain a community of colleagues devoted to supporting each other as learners and supervisors.
The course is specifically designed to include BOTH didactic and experiential training. Participants will have weekly assignments and will be required to present IPT cases and to practice supervising as part of this training. We will emphasize developing reliability in rating IPT audio and videotape, and understanding and applying the supervision curriculum as well as improving specific supervision skills. The course will also provide on-going community following the formal conclusion of the eight weeks of training, with mentoring and peer support both informally and at regular monthly meetings throughout the year.
Interested participants must apply for this course. Clinicians who have completed Level C training or equivalent may apply.
Upon completion of this course, participants will have the opportunity to co-lead supervision groups through the IPT Institute.
All class sessions will be in two hour blocks every week on Fridays from 10 AM to noon Central Daylight Time. Please be SURE that you have the correct time for your home location when you register.
IPT supervisors’ COURSE
2-hour blocks from 10 AM to noon CDT every saturday for eight weeks
Friday May 22, 2020
friday May 29, 2020
friday june 5, 2020
friday june 12, 2020
friday june 19, 2020
friday june 26, 2020
friday july 3, 2020
friday july 10, 2020
To apply, email iptinstitute@outlook.com with
subject line “IPT Supervisor’s Course”
Continuing Education Information
The IPT Institute is approved by the American Psychological Association to sponsor continuing education for psychologists. The IPT Institute maintains responsibility for this program and its content.
IPT Supervisors’ Training
Educational Objectives:
This CE Course is targeted towards all interested clinicians who have completed Level C or equivalent training. The instructional level is advanced.
At the conclusion of this course, the participant should be able to:
1) Describe IPT supervisory skills
2) Describe how to utilize role playing in supervision
3) Develop appropriate IPT supervisory materials
4) Help supervisees identify patients for whom IPT would be an appropriate treatment
5) Supervise an Interpersonal Inventory
6) Supervise an Interpersonal Formulation and Summary
7) Apply the IPT supervisor curriculum
8) Supervise an Interpersonal Incident
9) Reliably rate IPT sessions for quality and adherence
10) Supervise construction of an Interpersonal Dispute Graph
11) Supervise construction of a Transition Timeline
12) Supervise the conclusion of IPT and the start maintenance treatment
13) Describe how to conduct small group IPT supervision
14) Describe how to utilize on-line tools to supervise IPT
15) Supervise Communication Analysis
16) Supervise the IPT approach for grief and loss
10 AM to noon CDT every Friday for eight weeks
$500 per person
Refund/Cancellation Policy:
A $100 charge will be applied for all cancellations. No refunds will be given.
Instructor Credentials:
Please see “About the Instructor” link for detailed information
CE Credits Offered:
16 CE credits are offered for this training. No partial credit will be given.
All educational activities at this training will offer CE credit.
Commercial Support for CE Programs or Instructors:
There is no commercial support for this CE Program. There are no conflicts of interest for the instructor for this CE Program.
For information about the CE grievance procedure, please click the link below.