Application for IPT Institute Level B Membership

Community-Based Certification

Community-Based Training in IPT Requires:

Prior to Training:

  1. Completion of an IPT Institute accredited Level A IPT Course within the last three years.
  2. Licensure or student status sufficient to conduct clinical work with patients.

Training Requirements:

  1. Completion of at least 10 consultation hours.  These hours may include either individual consultation or small-group consultation as is typical for the Community-Based Training programs.  Consultation must be provided by an IPT Institute accredited consultant.
  2. Completion of two IPT Portfolios (one portfolio for each of two different clients).  Each portfolio must obtain a passing grade (average of 3.0 on a 1-5 scale) as rated by an IPT Institute accredited Consultant on the IPT Quality and Adherence Scale.  Each portfolio must include:
    1. Case Report of the IPT treatment provided
    2. Interpersonal Inventory (Circle)
    3. Interpersonal Formulation and Summary
    4. Self-Evaluation Rating (based on the IPT Quality and Adherence Measure)
    5. Patient Outcome Measures (PHQ-9 and GAD-7) administered at intake and every 4 sessions to the time of portfolio submission)
    6. An audio or videotape of one session of the IPT treatment.  For portfolio #1, this should be an initial/assessment session; for portfolio #2 this should be from the middle or concluding phase of treatment.
    7. All materials must be submitted in English, although the audio or videotape may be in the patient’s language if permission is obtained from the IPT consultant.
  3. Completion of an IPT Booster or Advanced Course of at least 8 hours.
If you meet the above requirements, please use the links below to complete the application forms.  
You DO NOT need to complete these applications if you are participating in an approved Community-Based Training Program.