Community… Relationships… Attachment… People…
We seek community and connection with others. It is a fundamental part of being human. Though our cultures and geography may differ, we all seek community. We seek it in times of plenty, and we seek it even more in times of crisis.
Our courses are designed to help you, as clinicians, build community. To help patients and clients connect with others. To help them engage in relationships with groups, with families, and with significant others. To help them find the support and connection they need to flourish.

Community… Relationships… Attachment… People…
But we– you and I– need community too. Not only in our personal relationships, but within our professional and work settings. And we need mentorship, encouragement, creativity. An opportunity to care for and support others, and to be cared for and supported ourselves.
A great two or three day course in IPT is a wonderful experience, but it is even better if it leads to community. Especially if it leads to peer support and mentoring. So we have constructed all of our courses– particularly the Supervisor Training course and the Instructor Training course, so that they include ongoing mentoring and sharing sessions as participants implement IPT. Our goal is to create communities of learning and creativity and support, to sustain not only our clinical practices, but to support one another as human beings.