Public Resources
The Public Resources section of the IPT Institute website includes a number of important papers regarding research in IPT and its clinical application, as well as several clinical tools.
IPT Institute members also have access to additional documents and articles. These include treatment manuals, workbooks, and patient and clinician IPT resources. These documents can be found on the "Members Resources" page of this website.
Permission to download and print any of the material on this website, including all articles, is limited to educational use only. Posting of articles and materials on this site is the responsibility of the author(s).
Public Directory of IPT Therapists
IPT Rating Scales |IPT Books |IPT DVD's | IPT Articles | IPT Clinical Materials
IPT: Two Day Training Course Outline
IPT Rating Scales
IPT Quality & Adherence Scale- English
IPT Quality and Adherence Questionnaire- French
IPT Quality & Adherence Scale- Greek
IPT Books
Interpersonal Psychotherapy: A Clinician's Guide, 2003, by Scott Stuart & Michael Robertson.
IPT Training DVD (French and French with English subtitles); $65 inc postage
contact Simon Patry at
IPT Articles
IPT Clinical Materials
The Interpersonal Circle can be used to collect information during the Interpersonal Inventory. It is useful as a map of social support as well as a means of examining change in relationships during treatment.
Interpersonal Formulation diagram
This sample Interpersonal Formulation lists some of the biological, psychological, and social factors that may contribute to the patient's distress. Spiritual and cultural issues can be included in the social factors or separately.
This blank formulation can be printed and filled out with the patient during the assessment phase of IPT.